myBody = physics.body( CIRCLE, radius ) myBody = physics.body( POLYGON, vec2(-10,10), vec2(-10,-10), vec2(10,-10), vec2(10,10) ) myBody = physics.body( CHAIN, loop, vec2(0,0), vec2(10,5), vec2(15,10) ) myBody = physics.body( EDGE, vec2(0,0), vec2(10,10) )
This type represents a dynamic rigid body.
type | int, the type of the body, can be STATIC, DYNAMIC or KINEMATIC |
shapeType | readonly, the shape type of the body, can be CIRCLE, POLYGON, CHAIN or EDGE |
radius | float, the radius of the body, only valid for circle shape types |
points | table, a table containing the points that make up the body, only valid for polygon shape types |
x | float, the x position of the body in pixels |
y | float, the y position of the body in pixels |
position | vec2, the position of the body |
angle | float, the angle of the body in degrees |
worldCenter | vec2, the center of mass of the body in world space |
localCenter | vec2, the center of mass of the body in local space |
linearVelocity | vec2, the current linear velocity of the body in pixels per second |
angularVelocity | float, the angular velocity of the body in degrees per second |
density | float, the density of the body in kg/m^2, 1 by default, cannot be negative |
mass | float, the mass of the body in kg, cannot be negative. If you set this, density will be ignored |
inertia | float, the moment of inertia of the body. Cannot be set |
restitution | float, the restitution, or 'bouncyness' of the body |
friction | float, the friction of the body determines how easy the object slides. This defaults to 0.2. |
categories | table, an array of the categories (1 to 16) to which the body belongs to for collision filtering. The default is {1}. |
mask | table, an array of the categories of bodies with which the body will collide. The default is all categories, {1, 2, ..., 15, 16}. |
fixedRotation | boolean, locks the rotation of this body |
active | boolean, set to false to remove from simulation |
sensor | boolean, whether the body is a sensor. Collision information is generated for sensors, but they do not physically affect the scene. |
awake | boolean, true if body is currently awake, false otherwise |
sleepingAllowed | boolean, set to false to prevent bodies from sleeping (default: true) |
bullet | boolean, set to true for fast moving bodies to prevent tunneling |
gravityScale | float, controls the influence of gravity on this body, 1 by default |
linearDamping | float, the amount of linear damping applied to this body. Damping reduces the world velocity of bodies, and is different from friction in that it occurs regardless of contact. |
angularDamping | float, the amount of angular damping applied to this body. |
interpolate | boolean, controls render interpolation, used to smooth out motion but introduces slight lag |
joints | table, returns the list of joints connected to this body |
info | value, used for storing arbitrary data in this body |
This constant specifies the circle shape type.Circle shapes are the fastest and simplest of the shape types, defined with a single parameter, radius.
This constant specifies the polygon shape type.Polygon shapes are defined by a series of vertices. Non convex polygons are automatically decomposed into a set of convex polygons.
This constant specifies the chain shape type.Chain shapes are defined by a series of vertices that form an equivalent set of connected edges. This shape type has no mass and cannot be used in dynamic bodies.
This constant specifies the edge shape type.Edge shapes are defined by two vertices, which form a straight line. This shape type has no mass and cannot be used in dynamic bodies.
This constant specifies the dynamic body type.Dynamic bodies move under the influence of collisions, forces, joints and gravity.
This constant specifies the static body type.Static bodies are unaffected by forces and collisions. They also do not collide with other static or kinematic bodies.Also note that you cannot attach two static/kinematic bodies together with a joint.
This constant specifies the kinematic body type.Kinematic bodies are unaffected by forces and collisions. Unlike static bodies, kinematic bodies are meant to be moved, usually by setting linear velocity directly. They also do not collide with other static or kinematic bodies.Also note that you cannot attach two static/kinematic bodies together with a joint.
myBody:applyForce( force ) myBody:applyForce( force, worldPoint )
Applies a force to this body object. If worldPoint
is not specified then the force will be applied to the center of the body.
force | vec2, the amount of force to apply as a vector |
worldPoint | vec2, the point to apply the force from, in world coordinates |
myBody:applyTorque( applyTorque )
Applies torque to this body object.
torque | float, the amount of torque |
myBody:applyLinearImpulse( impulse ) myBody:applyLinearImpulse( impulse, worldPoint )
Applies a linear impulse to this body object. If worldPoint
is not specified then the impulse will apply to the center of the body.
impulse | vec2, the impulse to apply as a vector |
worldPoint | vec2, the point to apply the impulse from, in world coordinates |
myBody:applyAngularImpulse( impulse )
Applies an angular impulse to this body object.
impulse | float, the angular impulse |
A body will be removed from the simulation automatically when garbage collected, however this may not happen immediately. To ensure that a body is removed from the simulation, use destroy(). Please note that all methods and properties will cease to work after destroy() is called.
myBody:testPoint( worldPoint )
Tests if worldPoint is inside this body.
worldPoint | vec2, the point to test for intersection, in world space |
true if worldPoint is inside this body, false otherwise
myBody:testOverlap( otherBody )
Tests if this body intersects with otherBody.This is useful if you want to do simple shape intersection tests that do not require realtime contact information.
otherBody | body, the body to test for intersection with |
true if this body is intersecting with otherBody, false otherwise
myBody:getLocalPoint( worldPoint )
Converts a point to the local coordinate space of this body
vec2, coordinate in local space of this body
myBody:getWorldPoint( localPoint )
Converts a point from the local coordinate space of this body to world space
vec2, coordinate in world space
myBody:getLinearVelocityFromWorldPoint( worldPoint )
Samples the linear velocity of this body at a given point in world space.
vec2, linear velocity at worldPoint of this body
myBody:getLinearVelocityFromLocalPoint( worldPoint )
Samples the linear velocity of this body at a given point in local space.
vec2, linear velocity at localPoint of this body
A contact occurs whenever two bodies collide with each other. Codea allows you to handle contacts by implementing a global function called collide( contact ) in your code.
-- This gets called whenever two bodies collide
function collide( contact )
if contact.state == BEGAN then
Contact objects contain information about the collision, such as the state, position of the collision, which bodies were involved, and so on. For a full listing of data available in a contact, see the documentation.
This type represents a collision between two bodies.
A object is supplied to the global function collide( contact ) whenever a two bodies collide, maintain contact over multiple frames, or separate from each other. The contact supplied by this event will remain static as it is only a copy of the underlying physical state.
id | number, a unique id that represents this contact |
state | int, the current state of this contact, can be BEGAN, CHANGED, ENDED |
touching | bool, whether or not the contact is currently touching. Due to the way contacts are cached this can be false under some circumstances. |
position | vec2, the current position of this contact |
normal | vec2, the current normal of this contact |
normalImpulse | float, the magnitude of energy used to separate the two colliding bodies projected along the normal vector. Useful for measuring the strength of an impact |
tangentImpulse | float, the magnitude of energy used to separate the two colliding bodies projected along the tangent vector (perpendicular to the normal). Useful for measuring the friction of an impact |
pointCount | int, the number of points in the contact manifold |
points | table, an array of vec2's describing the contact manifold |
bodyA | body, the first body in the collision represented by this contact |
bodyB | body, the second body in the collision represented by this contact |
physics.joint( REVOLUTE, bodyA, bodyB, anchor ) physics.joint( PRISMATIC, bodyA, bodyB, anchorA, direction ) physics.joint( DISTANCE, bodyA, bodyB, anchorA, anchorB ) physics.joint( WELD, bodyA, bodyB, anchor ) physics.joint( ROPE, bodyA, bodyB, anchorA, anchorB, maxLength )
This type represents a joint that constrains two rigid bodies together.
type | int, the type of the joint, can be REVOLUTE, DISTANCE, PRISMATIC, WELD or ROPE |
bodyA | body, the first body attached to this joint |
bodyB | body, the second body attached to this joint |
anchorA | vec2, the anchor for the first body in world coordinates |
anchorB | vec2, the anchor for the second body in world coordinates |
reactionForce | vec2, the current amount of force used by the joint to constrain the relative motion between the two bodies. This can be used to break joints when the force reaches a given threshold |
reactionTorque | float, the current amount of torque used by the joint to constrain the relative rotation between the two bodies. This can be used to break joints when the torque reaches a given threshold |
enableLimit | boolean, whether or not the limit for this joint is enabled. Only certain joints, such as REVOLUTE and PRISMATIC have limits |
lowerLimit | float, the lower limit of this joint. For REVOLUTE joints this represents the angular limit between bodies in degrees. For PRISMATIC joints this represents the translation limit |
upperLimit | float, the upper limit of this joint. For REVOLUTE joints this represents the angular limit between bodies in degrees. For PRISMATIC joints this represents the translation limit |
enableMotor | boolean, whether or not the motor for this joint is enabled. Only certain joints, such as REVOLUTE and PRISMATIC have motors |
motorSpeed | float, the desired speed of the motor. For REVOLUTE joints this is in degrees per second. For PRISMATIC joints this is specified in pixels per second |
maxMotorTorque | float, the maximum amount of torque the motor can apply to reach the desired motor speed. Only REVOLUTE joints have this property |
maxMotorForce | float, the maximum amount of force the motor can apply to reach the desired motor speed. Only PRISMATIC joints have this property |
length | float, the length of the joint. Only applies to DISTANCE joints |
frequency | float, The softness of the joint, set to zero for stiff joints. Only applies to DISTANCE and WELD joints |
dampingRatio | float, Controls the damping of soft joints, higher values reduce oscillation, set to zero for stiff joints. Only applies to DISTANCE and WELD joints |
maxLength | float, Controls the maximum length (distance between anchor points) of the joint. Only applies to ROPE joints |
This constant specifies the revolute joint type. Revolute joints constrain two bodies so that they rotate about a single anchor point.
This constant specifies the distance joint type. Distance joints constrain two bodies so that they maintain a fixed distance between their respective anchor points. The length of a distance joint is taken from the initial distance between the two anchor points in world space. Setting the frequency and damping ratio of the joint allows for soft spring-like behaviour.
This constant specifies the prismatic joint type. Prismatic joints constrain the motion of two bodies along the axis between the two specified anchor points. This allows for telescopic motion, while restricting relative rotation between the two bodies.
This constant specifies the weld joint type. Weld joints constrain the motion and relative rotation between two bodies, effectively turning them into a single body. Due to the iterative nature of the solver, weld joints can bend when put under stress and may fail completely when large forces are involved or several weld joints are chained together to form a larger object.
-- pause physics physics.pause()
Pauses the physics simulation.
-- resume physics physics.resume()
Resumes the physics simulation.
physics.raycast(start, end) physics.raycast(start, end, category1) physics.raycast(start, end, category1, category2)
Performs a raycast from the start point to the end point.Any additional parameters are treated as category filters, allowing certain bodies to be ignored. This function only returns hit information on the closest rigid body detected.
start | vec2, the start point of the ray (technically a line segment, but finite for practical purposes) |
end | vec2, the end point of the ray |
table, if the raycast intersects a body this function will return a table containing the following key-value pairs:
body => detected
point => point of intersection
normal => normal on surface of hit body
fraction => fraction of total ray length from start to intersecton point
physics.raycastAll(start, end) physics.raycastAll(start, end, category1) physics.raycastAll(start, end, category1, category2)
Performs a raycast from the start point to the end point.Any additional parameters are treated as category filters, allowing certain bodies to be ignored. This function returns an array of tables describing all objects hit along the ray, ordered from closest to farthest.
start | vec2, the start point of the ray (technically a line segment, but finite for practical purposes) |
end | vec2, the end point of the ray |
array, if the raycast intersects one or more bodies this function will an array of tables containing the following key-value pairs
body => detected body
point => point of intersection
normal => normal on surface of hit body
fraction => fraction of total ray length from start to intersecton point
physics.queryAABB(lowerLeft, upperRight) physics.queryAABB(lowerLeft, upperRight, category1) physics.queryAABB(lowerLeft, upperRight, category1, category2)
Performs a query to find all bodies within the supplied axis-aligned bounding box.Any additional parameters are treated as category filters, allowing certain bodies to be ignored.
lowerLeft | vec2, the position of the lower left corner of the query axis-aligned bounding box |
upperRight | vec2, the position of the upper right corner of the query axis-aligned bounding box |
array, returns all bodies that lie within the supplied bounding box
physics.gravity() physics.gravity( x, y ) physics.gravity( grav ) physics.gravity( Gravity )
Sets the gravity of the world, units are in pixels per second^2. Use the Gravity global to set to device gravity. When no parameters are passed, function returns current world gravity as a vec2.
x | float, gravity in the x-axis |
y | float, gravity in the y-axis |
grav | vec2, gravity in both axes |
Gravity | vec3, device gravity used as a special case |
vec2, the current world gravity if no parameters are supplied
physics.iterations( velocityIterations, positionIterations )
Sets the iterations used by the physics solver. Larger iterations tend to result in more stable physics, but will slow down the simulation.
velocityIterations | int, the number of velocity iterations performed each time step (default: 10) |
positionIterations | int, the number of position iterations performed each time step (default: 8) |
ratio = physics.pixelToMeterRatio physics.pixelToMeterRatio = ratio
Sets the ratio between pixels and meters in the simulation.This is used to make objects on the screen appear at a reasonable scale, while allowing the physics engine to remain stable. The default value is 32, meaning that for every 32 pixels in screen space there is 1 meter in physics space. This can be largely ignored in most cases, however if dealing with objects much larger or smaller than the default settings, it can be useful to change the ratio to something closer to that scale.
int, the current ratio
physics.continuous = true
Sets whether the physics engine performs continuous collision detection. Continuous collision detection ensures that very fast moving bodies do not pass through thin objects.
You must also set the bullet
property to true
on any physics body you wish to use with continuous collision detection.
By default, this value is false
because continuous physics increases the computational cost of running the physics engine.
bool, whether continous collision is set